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A unique book which shows you the divine principles about marriage, divorce and remarriage.
There is also an Dutch version available. For more information you can visit the Dutch website.
At the bottom of this page you will find some reader comments.
United for Life: ISBN 978-94-6203-841-7
If you want to order 'United for Life' click here.
'If this book saves only one marriage, than it has been worth all the effort!'
Willem & Helen Lingeman
Never in human history has there been so much confusion about marriage, divorce and remarriage.
Even among Christians, the divorce rate equals that of the secular world. Divorce leaves indelible marks on all involved, but especially so on children.
They go through life with lingering feelings of distress. This is especially difficult when they are on the threshold of adulthood.
Members of church congregations, elders, deacons and ministers often stand by helplessly, unsure of what to do.
Some are even part of the problem or are 'pressured' from within and without the church to fit in with the spirit of the age.
We hope and pray that this book will be a blessing not only to those who find themselves in difficult mamarital situations, but also to members of church congregations, elders and deacons, pastoral counselors, and ministers.
It is an excellent tool for personal as well as group study, such as Bible classes and catechism.
This book is also highly recommended for future couples.
Marriage has been designed by God to be a reflection of the relationship between the Lord Jesus and His Church.
There is hope in restoring broken marriages!
there is no 'exception clause' in the Scripture
Dr. Leslie McFall (1944 - 2015) substantiated very precisely why there is no 'exception' or exception clause' in Matthew 19:9.
You can freely download and distribute it.
It has been my privilege to read and study 'United for Life' by Willem Lingeman.
What a joy it is to read words that explain the simple but profound Biblical mandates for the permanence of marriage.
I enjoyed the fresh and innovative ways the author presented God's ancient principles into todays international Church culture from a uniquely Dutch perspective.
Willem's style of gathering, arranging and presenting the Biblical evidence for his direct appeal to the wayward adulterous church is as endearing as it is convincing.
At one place he described how many faulty flawed 'Christians' have hampered the cause of Christ by their willful
unconfessed ongoing sin, clouding the very clear commands of God, as follows:
'It is fortunate that God can hammer straight with a crooked stick!
However, this should never be a reason for us to offer Him one.'
I can wholeheartedly recommend studying this book yourself and getting it into the hands of those who need to be offered a lifeline that will pull them to safety from this dangerous and deceived licentious generation.
Chaplain Stephen Wilcox, Canada
Theological Foundations Ministries
'United for Life' is an indispensable resource for anyone desiring to know what the scriptures teach about divorce and remarriage!
May the Lord use this book to open many blind eyes and deaf ears to the truth of His Word regarding this most important issue facing the Church and the world today!
This book is very captivating from start to finish, and it's thrilling to know the Lord will use it to set many captives free!!
If it even saves one soul it will have been worth it, but I'm sure it will bear much fruit!
Judy Zevenbergen, Canada
United for Life is an easy-to-read King James Bible-based book. This book clearly sets out God’s order for marriage as one man with one woman, United for Life!
The teachings are explained in short paragraphs. Bible references proceed whole verses. Stand-out verses are printed in bold to emphasize God’s teaching.
It was a privilege to have been handed the book United for Life, from Willem, in English. They shared how they had spent many hours of Bible reading and research to present God’s truth for marriage.
United for Life shares many answers to present-day questions. Willem writes: 'Let the Scriptures speak!'
Thank you for Godly teaching that Marriage is UNITED FOR LIFE!
Judith Bond, Sydney Australia
Seventy years ago this call wouldn't be necessary, all Christians knew that marriage only is ended by death of the spouse.
I am so grateful for this light in Europe.
Lulu Renteria de Terrones, Mexico
'The book itself is very very very clear about the postion of man and woman in the covenant of marriage, for that is what it is; a covanant.
I advise you to read the book and share your thoughts about it. Maybe it can be of meaning to you.
It sure made me think, eventhough I'm not married.
That is because the book also makes you think about other things, besides marriage.'
Sven Janssens, Belgium
Much to think about. Although questions remain, 'United for Life' deserves to be widely distributed among Christians.
Ir. Kees Fieggen, teaches biology and gives Bible classes in the Netherlands
'United for Life' points out to us what is written in God's Word about the intention of marriage.
It is a serious appeal and a clear guide. 'Tolle lege!' ('Take and read!')
Jan Rein de Wit, chief editor of "Weet Magazine" thé Dutch non-specialist Christian journal
After his forestry education and job as a ranger, Willem Lingeman has been a criminal investigator for the last twenty-five years.
He has been working with the central government of the Netherlands for over forty-five years, upholding nature en (international) nature conservation laws. Willem is a member of the Board for the International Shell Museum 'Creature Shell Foundation' at Utrecht (the Netherlands).
Together with his wife and their son he makes and hosts several programmes on local radio stations.
The Gospel message is the central theme.
To order 'United for Life' click here.
The book will be sent to you within a few days after the receipt of the purchase price and shipping costs.
On Thursday, June 13, 2013, 'United for Life' was presented to mr. Joël Voordewind,
member of the Dutch parliament for the Christian Union, by mrs. Henriëtte Schreuders, daughter of Willem and Helen Lingeman.
On Tuesday, June 15, 2015, 'United for Life', was presented to mr. Kees van der Staaij, member of the Dutch parliament for the Reformed Protestant Party (Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij SGP).
More information about 'United for Life' click here.
*The contact page will help you receive additional information, free of any obligations.
reader comments
Some reactions from readers worldwide. For reasons of privacy no names are mentioned.
'In my heart I already knew what was written in the book; the Lord Himself has convinced me that I have been living in sin for years. But many fellow Christians are not familiar with this and follow their gut feeling and only see the 'God is love' side. Indeed, infidelity has crept into the Church. Thank you for this book and the pure light on this difficult and often sad subject.'
'I would like to encourage you to continue your wonderful work and teach more people about marriage, the marriage covenant and marital fidelity as God intended for us. I am very happy that there are still Christians who want to take a stand based on the Bible and I am also looking forward to learning more about this. Don't be discouraged!'
'Iasked my pastor why these matters were nottaught in church and he said, "Because they don't have to be!"
But wouldn't it be so muchbetter for everyone if we were taught thesethings from a young age?'
'Read your book over a year ago. Very uplifting and clearly faithful to scripture. Keep up the good work.'
'I have read the book, it is true to the Bible, that may also be said! The book is a must for all Christians!'
'I’ve read several books about marriage, divorce and remarriage, but this book impressed me the most.
While reading this book I experienced in my spirit that the Lord wants us to sit up and take notice concerning this subject.
It isn’t normal that so many marriages of ‘born-again Christians’ fail (mine as well, unfortunately).
Something is clearly wrong. I think we can find an answer in “United for Life” by William Lingeman.
This is why I want to highly recommend his book.
It is a radical book, true to the Bible, straightforward, very consistent and far-reaching.But wasn’t Jesus also like that?'
'This is the best book I’ve read on this subject and very important for contemporary churches.
I hope that God will use this book to adjust the teaching on this matter.'
'I am very encouraged by the presentation and your clear explanation, I now know for sure that I am on the right track!'
'United for Life' is the best book I have read in this field. I like giving it away to others as a present.'
'Impressive what you have managed to dig up.'
'Through 'United for Life' we were confirmed in the fact that God's Word is the real Truth. It touched us.'
'This book opened my eyes. I pray that many people might repent, especially in these times.'
'I finished the book 'United for Life' in two days. What an eye-opener! Too bad that we heard so little about it during our upbringing.
Yes, if only we had known...'
'I read the book 'United for Life' and found it enlightening. A brilliant study on one of the most delicate topics amongst and of Christians.'
'The church needs urgently this teaching about marriage, everyone must hear this!'
'An exceptional book. I hope and pray it will be a blessing to many and expose the deception and lies.'
'After my divorce, I remained alone. I felt I had to do that because God asked me to, but I was never able to substantiate it biblically.
Those around me thought I should remarry. Because of this book I know I did the right thing.'
'I've been divorced for over ten years now. We both remained alone.
After my wife and I read this book we concluded we could not ignore this and, after many years, we started to talk again.'
'A touching book.'
'I commitetted adultry. Now I regret it and want to go back to my husband. Your book has been very useful to me....'
'I am immensely happy with this book!!!...Wow!...I have been alone for 28 years since our divorce and in my heart I always knew that marriage is for life and that it is sacred, eventhough I was only 33 at the time and did not get the support I needed from the church...'
'Good book. This is a watertight case!'
'An exhaustive book.'
'I read the book, enjoyed it and I heartily endorse it.'
'Fantastic book!'
'We gave each of our children a copy.'
'Wonderful. Heartwarming. Confrontational. Full of recognition. Merciful. So true. And very readably written with a beautiful and peaceful layout!'
'Reading your book made me aware - that I was going astray.....'
'The Lord bless you as you labor in His vineyard... your faithfulness and dedication to the convenant of marriage is helping to dispel the lies of the enemy! Praise God!!'
'Many thanks for your book! It is the truth. I remarried after a divorce when the Lord showed me that I wasn't living according to His wil. I divorced again and remain faithful to my first wedding vows. Next week, on our anniversary, I'm going to renew those vows, alone, with the Lord's blessing, I'm sure. What a peace and heavenly joy in my heart. For me your book is an encouragement! Therefore I cherish 'United for Life' as a real treasure.'
'What a wonderful book!!'